NMC Royal Hospital Sharjah 's testimonial

  • Dr Menatallah Tawfik, Specialist Breast Radiologist, Breast Care Unit, NMC Royal Hospital Sharjah gave a brief talk on the “Breast Awareness Campaign & the importance of early detection”

    How did we do during our Breast Awareness Campaign?

    The Breast Care Unit at Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah was trusted by nearly 700 women in Sharjah & Northern Emirates on account of Breast Cancer Month for their yearly Mammogram & Ultrasound scans. Cancerous activity was detected in nearly 1% of the 700 patients, the patients have been informed regarding the same and they will be treated by their respective clinicians.

    The patients were very happy & appreciative of the Breast Radiologist, Dr Menatallah Tawfik and the entire Breast Care Unit team for providing seamless service.

    Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah unconditionally offers a big thank you to Dr Menatallah Tawfik & the Breast Care Unit team, who have been working tirelessly during the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Their exemplary effort ensured premier patient experience at one of the best Breast Care Clinic in Sharjah & Northern Emirates.

    The Breast Care Unit at Al Zahra Hospital Sharjah encourages to visit your clinician if you have any concerns regarding your breasts or/and detect any lump. Early detection saves lives.

    Kindly find the link:


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