Allure - Enhance your Appeal with Breast Augmentation Surgery


What is a breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures undertaken in the world. For carefully selected patients it can allow the creation of a larger and better looking bust, and also restore or provide a cleavage where one did not previously exist. There has been much controversy over this procedure due to the fact that it relies on implants that are made of silicone, or a variety of other substances.

One of the most essential aspects of the surgery is the pre-operative consultation. Every effort is made to understand the patient’s requirements and what it is they hope to achieve. In this way the surgeon can advise the patient of the best way to realistically fulfill their goals.

Great care is taken to discuss not only the different implants available and surgical approaches to place the implants, but also the long- term implications for having breast implants. These are discussed in more detail below. We want our patients to leave the consultation feeling informed and confident about any decision they make.

We also urge patients to seek further information from the Department of Health website at: PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4010394

Would I be suitable?

Almost all women are suitable for breast augmentation surgery. Women seek breast augmentation for a number of reasons. Commonly this is because they have little or no natural breast tissue. Alternatively women may be seeking improvement to the appearance of their breasts following the birth of children and breast-feeding, or after significant weight loss. However, for many women it is simply that they wish to have larger breasts.

What will a breast augmentation do for me?

  • Breast augmentation surgery can return any lost volume to your breasts following breastfeeding or weight
  • In some instances breast augmentation surgery can lift the position of your breasts if you feel they have become ptotic or droopy
  • It can give you a natural fullness and cleavage, which will mean that you no longer have to feel self-conscious or wear
  • This type of surgery can boost your confidence and self

Will I still be able to breast feed?

Yes, you will still be able to breast feed although this is not guaranteed for anyone, with or without implants.

How long will the effects last for?

The implants are given a “life time guarantee” however in practical terms this means that they may last for ten years; we recommend that you remain in contact with your surgeon for yearly check ups. After the ten-year period, you should continue with check-ups.

Will I have scars?

  • Breast augmentation always involves producing a small scar, this may vary from anywhere between two and five centimeters depending on the technique that is
  • Favored positioning of scarring is to place scars in the natural crease line below the
  • These infra-mammary incisions allow safe and accurate placement of the implant and can be used at a later stage to remove the implant without creating further scars should this be necessary.
  • Alternative sites for the insertion of the implants could be through the armpit or at the junction between the breast skin and the pigmented part of the areola and
  • For certain patients both of these techniques can produce very good results.

Where do you place the implant?

  • The implant is usually placed in a pocket that lies either under the breast gland and above the muscle, or below the Pectoralis Major
  • For the majority of our patients we place the implants above the chest muscle as this allows a natural
  • For ladies with very small breasts, we usually place the implants below the muscle as this gives further soft tissue cover to the prosthesis thus giving a more natural appearance by hiding the edge and shape of the implant
  • At the end of surgery a small drain is placed into the implant cavity of each breast to remove any blood that may collect in the hours immediately after These are removed prior to leaving hospital.
  • The wounds are closed with dissolvable sutures and you will be sent home with a five-day course of oral antibiotics and

What are the risks?

The risks associated with this surgery have proven to be very controversial. During the early 1990’s unfounded concerns were raised that breast implants may increase the patient’s risk of breast cancer and autoimmune disease. Several large studies have been published in very eminent medical journals that have shown that this is not the case. There is certainly no increased risk of breast cancer. Evidence would strongly suggest that there is no harmful effect on the body’s immune system or an increased risk of autoimmune disease. However we do know that breast implants can cause certain problems of which the most important is capsule formation. The body recognizes that the implants are foreign and may produce a small layer of scar tissue over them. Over the course of time these capsules may thicken and occasionally contract to distort and alter the shape of the breast and indeed make it quite painful. Should this occur the patient might need a further procedure via the original scar, to release the compressive and distorting effects of the capsule around the implant.

General Risks:

Any surgery that involves a general anaesthetic carries the risk of a chest infection and thrombosis, especially if you are a smoker. It is important to tell your surgeon if you are taking the oral contraceptive pill or any blood thinning drugs such as Warfarin or Aspirin so that the chance of bleeding and thrombosis can be minimized.

Specific Risks:

  • Infection is a rare However this should be treated with care, as any infection around the implant is likely to require it being removed. After a period of several months, once the tissues have softened and all evidence of infection has gone, a new implant can then be safely re-inserted.
  • Post operative bleeding is unusual but can be treated under a short general anaesthetic.
  • Alteration of nipple and skin sensation is You will feel some numbness over the skin of your breasts after your surgery and we would expect this to return over a period of weeks.
  • However, for some people a degree of numbness can remain long term. It is very rare for a nerve to be damaged.
  • A degree of asymmetry is normal in the un-augmented breast and will therefore persist in the augmented breast. This is normal and to be expected.
  • If the blood flow to the skin is impaired in anyway it is possible for some of the skin of the nipple to die. This will heal but can leave a wider scar. This is a particular risk for those who smoke.
  • All surgical scars begin red and sometimes lumpy, gradually becoming pink and eventually turning into a thin white line. Some people scar more easily than others, or form thick, red, irritable scars or have scars that stretch. This is a small risk, and can be anticipated based on other scars on your body.

What type of implants will you use?

There are now a huge number of implants available for use. Some are more effective and give a more natural appearance than others. Your surgeon will discuss the full range of implants with you and advise you in accordance with your wishes.

What can I expect on the day of surgery?

You must not eat or drink for the six hours before you come into hospital.

The anaesthetist and the surgeon will see you to ensure that you are well, answer any questions and sign the consent form with you. For your own safety you should answer all of their questions fully.

When you wake from the anaesthetic you will be in the recovery department. Here the nurses will make sure you wake up fully and give you pain relief and anti- sickness drugs should you require them. A nurse from the ward will then collect you and take you back to your room where she will check on you every half an hour or so, until you are entirely awake and stable.

You may have two small drains that will usually be removed the following day, it is imperative that you begin to wear a non-underwired sports bra in an effort to support the breasts, minimise swelling and pain and help with shape.

You will feel drowsy at first, and often people feel a little weepy. This is normal.

How will I feel afterwards?

The day after your surgery Dr. Nadeem Akthar will see you. Your chest may feel bruised and tight. The anaesthetic will make you feel sleepy and a bit removed from normal life; this wears off within two to five days, when you will feel like yourself again.


Breast augmentation surgery cannot change your life, but it can boost your confidence. All surgery has risks and we aim to minimize these as much as possible. Dr. Nadeem will discuss the exact procedure most suitable for you when you see him.