Verified Patient 's testimonial

  • I wanted to extend my deep appreciation for the care my wife received during her stay from 21/10/2020 till 23/10/2020 room 1302. The nurses checked in with us regularly, and responded quickly when we needed them. They kept my wife comfortable and did their best to encourage her and reduce her pain. Special mention to Sr. Reeja, Sr. Josin, Sr. Linzy and Sr. Sinu and the dietary staff who insisted to serve hot and fresh food to my wife. Ms. Venus, Ms. Feba and Ms. Joan were amazing.

    Both the dedicated nurses of Dr. Adel El Naggar and Dr. Ahmed El Hakeem clinics, Sr. Elcy Kurupilla and Sr. Shini were proactive and professional

    I can't find a proper appreciation words to express my deep appreciation for Dr. Adel Elnaggar, Specialist Endocrinology & Obesity Management & Dr. Ahmed El Hakim, HOD & Consultant, General Surgery, Dr. Salah, Dr. Harish, Dr. Suzan and Dr. Jihad