Al Qassab Family 's testimonial

  • Our experience with Dr. Sameh Ali and his team was fantastic. Dr Sameh took great care of our child and the hospital provides distinguished services and the doctors specialize in their field. I would like to appreciate them for their experience and care. During the hospital stay, the nursing team at floor 11 were very cooperative and provided services & support to the patient and his family with a smile and patience.

    Thanks to all.

    Al Qassab Family,

    المستشفى يقدم خدمات متميزة و الأطباء متخصصين في مجالهم و اصفهم بالخبرة و التميز .. خلال فترة الأقامة فريق التمريض متعاون جدا و يقدم خدماته و الدعم للمريض و أسرته بابتسامة و صبر .. شكر للجميع ...تجربتنا مع فريق د.سامح علي طبيب اطفال و ممرضات قسم الأطفال الطابق 11

    عائلة القصاب من الشارقة