Nose Reshaping Male

Nose Reshaping Male

Nose Reshaping Female


Rhinoplasty is the name of the surgery that reshapes the nose. It is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. Because the nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, a slight alteration can greatly improve one’s appearance, and nothing has a greater impact on how a person looks than the size and shape of the nose

Some people are unhappy with the noses they were born with, and some with the way aging has changed their nose. For others, an injury may have distorted the nose, or the goal may be improved breathing

The aim of the procedures is to produce a natural look, an harmonization of the nose in the face of the particular patient. There is no ideal in rhinoplasty, the goal is to improve the nose aesthetically. Skin type, ethnic background, and age are important factors to be considered in discussions with your surgeon prior to surgery. Before the nose is altered, a young patient must reach full growth. Exceptions are cases in which breathing is severely impaired.

Why a Rhinoplasty

Nose Reshaping Female

Rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it won’t necessarily change your looks to match your ideal, or cause other people to treat you differently.

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people who are looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way they look. If you’re physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in your expectations, you may be a good candidate.

Planning your surgery

Good communication between you and your physician is essential. In your initial consultation, the surgeon will ask what you’d like your nose to look like, evaluate the structure of your nose and face, and discuss the possibilities with you.

In some cases, the appearance of your nose may also be influenced by some weakness in the features that surround it, such as flat cheeks, a week chin, thin lips, a recessed forehead, a double chin, etc. These features can be corrected at the same time or shortly after nasal surgery to enhance the final appearance of your nose.

Nose Reshaping Female

Be sure to tell your surgeon if you’ve had any previous nose surgery or an injury to your nose, even if it was many years ago.

You should also inform your surgeon if you have any allergies or breathing difficulties; if you are taking any medications, vitamins, or if you smoke.

Furthermore it is important to be able to see simulationsof the expected results obtainable with surgery. We perform photographs of the face of the patient and elaborate them with the computer

Risks of rhinoplasty

Complications are infrequent and usually minor when rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified surgeon. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility of complications, including infection, nose bleeding, or a reaction to the anaesthesia. You can reduce your risks by closely following your surgeon’s instructions both before and after surgery

Rarely a second procedure may be required to correct a minor deformity.

Such cases are unpredictable and happen even to patients of the most skilled surgeons. The corrective surgery is usually minor

The Surgery

Nose surgery consists of removing the excess cartilage and gently filing down the excess bone. Scars are placed inside the nose (closed rhinoplasty) or inside and across the columella (open rhinoplasty). The latter technique allows a better control over the anatomical structures of the nose. If it is necessary to decrease the size of the nostrils, a tiny scar is left at the base of each nostril.

Nose Reshaping Female

All stitches are absorbable. On average, nose surgery is performed within one to two hours.

Rhinoplasty and Pain

Rhinoplasty is almost painless if no functional treatment is performed. The patient usually experiences some problems breathing through the nose for few days, however, no pain is usually present.

After your surgery

A small plaster cast is applied for a week to protect the newly shaped nose. Most of the swelling and discolouration around the eyes tend to disappear within the following week.

Your nose will continue to improve for at least a year following surgery. Therefore, do not expect to see your final result when the cast is removed. Do not be alarmed if the shape of your nose keeps changing during the first few months.

On average, you may return to work ten days after surgery,sometimes longer

Numbness of the upper teeth and mild nasal blockage may be experienced for a few days to a few weeks following surgery. Thick nasal skin makes the surgery more difficult, limiting somewhat its final result and prolonging recovery

This is because thick skin does not shrink as much as thin skin (therefore the nose cannot be made much smaller). If you have thick nasal skin, your nose may be improved by surgery, but you must be patient while awaiting the final result and realistic in your outlook.

Nose Reshaping Female

Your new look

In the days following surgery, when your face is bruised and swollen, day by day, your nose will begin to look better and your spirits will improve. Within a week or two, you’ll no longer look as if you’ve just had surgery.

Still, healing is a slow and gradual process. The finalresults of rhinoplasty may not be apparent for six months to a year.